Troubleshooting | MODULE 3

Mantras to Tell Yourself

🎙 Listen to this teaching (click here), or 📖 read below.

As you're traveling, here are some mantras to repeat to yourself if you find yourself struggling, frustrated, or feeling helpless:

  • "I am a good parent. I've done everything within my control to keep my baby safe and comfortable. There is nothing else I can do, and that doesn't make me a bad parent."
  • "I will not let frustration or fear get the best of me. My desire to experience new things as a family and make memories is stronger than my fear of failure or discomfort."
  • "Being uncomfortable is a sign of growth. I am becoming a stronger and better parent through pushing myself."
  • "Being frustrated does not make me a bad parent. These circumstances are frustrating, and I am allowed to feel this way. However I will not let my feelings override my actions. I will respond to my circumstances with patience."
  • "I can do hard things, and I am proud of myself. Traveling with a baby is not easy! I am doing something hard, and that is something to be proud of."
  • "This is just a season. My baby will not be a baby forever. The travels we do now are laying the foundation for years of happy traveling for us as a family, and a lifetime of happy traveling for my baby."

Congratulations! You're finished with this Baby Travel Guide. Remember that you can't force kids to enjoy traveling, but you CAN make sure they're safe and comfortable, and give them the best chance at learning to travel well on their own. You've got this! If you have any questions along the way, shoot me a DM @katielaurengraham on Instagram.

Happy Traveling!

Katie xx