On the road | MODULE 2

Entertaining Your Baby

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Best case scenario your baby spends most of the time on the road sleeping, and is feeding, being changed, or stretching while they're awake during stops. But inevitably there will be some pockets of time when they're awake while you're on the move and they need some entertaining, especially if they're older than 6 months and awake for longer stretches of time.

You know your baby better than anyone, so my best piece of advice is to think back to what your baby enjoys at home, and bring that into the car.

  • Do they love books? Bring some!
  • Do they love playing "peek-a-boo"? Sit in the back and play with them!
  • Do they enjoy music? Play some!
  • You get the idea...

Most babies enjoy having someone in the back seat with them, so if your baby is a bit older and needing some entertainment, don't be afraid to have you or your driving partner sit in the back with them.

When my daughter was 5 months old, I drove with her and my sister to the Outer Banks for a family vacation. It was around 13 hours of travel time, and at this point my daughter was having longer wake windows. I knew she would need more entertainment than previous road trips, so my sister sat in the back with my daughter while I drove. She read her books, played games, tickled her, sang songs, and was the best Aunt to my little girl. This time in the back seat ended up being some amazing bonding time; if you end up riding in the back, use it as time to bond with your little one also!

Ultimately, entertaining your baby comes down to what they enjoy and find entertaining. You know that better than anyone, so trust your gut. :)

Tomorrow, we'll dive into the first lesson of Module 3: Your Baby Hates Their Car Seat.