On the road | MODULE 2

Diaper Changes on the Road

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Though *how* you change a diaper doesn't change change while you're traveling, WHERE you do certainly does. Here are a few different options for where you could change your baby on the road:

  1. Public restroom
  2. In your car
  3. Outside

Public Restroom

This is by far the easiest option, if available. No awkward bending over, you have a garbage can ready for your used diaper, and a sink to wash your hands in right there. If this is available, I'd recommend going this route. Simply grab your diaper bag or diaper tote filled with changing supplies, and head on in!

However, public restrooms aren't always available, and even when they are they don't always have a changing station to use. In this situation, go with one of the following two options...

In Your Car

No worries, you're prepared for this! If you need to change your baby in your car, simply pull out your changing pad and change them in one of these 3 places:

  1. Your cleared seat bench
  2. A cleared section of your trunk (not for sedans)
  3. Your passenger seat

Use the supplies in your diaper tote, prepared and ready for you.


If it's a beautiful day outside, this is the option I like to take advantage of! When you're on a road trip your baby doesn't get a whole lot of fresh air, so any chance you can give them some is a huge bonus! The fresh air will help them relax, reset, and then sleep better for your next driving stretch. So though I listed this option last, please don't think of it as the least ideal option.

To change your baby outside, it's much like changing them in the car. Find a bench, picnic table, or use the ground if need be. Pull out your diaper tote for easy use. Lay out your changing pad to keep your baby protected and clean, and get to changing!

While you're changing your baby there are a few things to keep in mind...

  • Don't rush it. Even if you're in a time crunch, you can afford a few extra minutes to allow your baby some bonus stretching time. It likely feels REALLY good to be out of their carseat and able to lay flat, so let them! Do some bicycles with their legs, tickle their belly, give them some smiles, and tell them what a great job they're doing.
  • Make sure to wrap your diaper in a disposable diaper bag before tossing it into a trash can. This will keep it from stinking up the trash for everyone else!
  • Wipe down your changing pad after using it with a wipe. Cleanliness is key on a road trip!

Tomorrow, we'll dive into the next lesson: Naps and Wake Windows.